I'll be rebuilding my browser "OS" project over a series of many streams. For this project I will continue to use React & Next.js written in TypeScript. I plan to make it collaborative and involve the community. I will focus on a Windows 10 style this time instead of a hybrid. Chapters 0:00 Stream Starts 4:12 Episode 8 Recap 7:13 Deep Source 13:03 NPM Update (Successfully) 22:05 Update ESLint Config 24:53 Simplify ProcessLoader 26:00 Render using withWindow 29:13 Rename to useLocaleDateTime 30:51 Remove Dispatch from Dependencies 34:08 Refactored File System Context 41:03 New File System Layout 51:33 Types for Implicit useState's 53:28 Embed System Components 58:32 Stop Using CSS unset 1:01:18 Rename Theme Color 1:02:53 Define Date/Time Types 1:06:21 Prettier Don't Ignore MD 1:07:08 Style Taskbar Entry 1:40:56 Open & Close Processes 2:02:10 Episode Review 2:03:48 Test File System 2:08:00 Next Stream Stream Notes: https://github.com/DustinBrett/daedalOS/tree/main/public/Users/Public/Documents/Stream%20Notes/02-27-21.md Code Repository: https://github.com/DustinBrett/daedalOS Demo: https://dustinbrett.com #coding #programming #reactjs